About us

A little more about us, and what we do.

Firstly thank you for stopping by! This page should explain a little more about us here at roof-calculators.com, why we've setup this website and the people behind it.

What is Roof Calculators?

Our aim is to turn this website into a hub of roofing knowledge for both professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike. With such a plethora of information available online... some of it good, some bad our goal is to create a single, reliable source for all roof-related enquiries.

With a team that has worked in the home improvement industry for the best part of 20 years, we feel suitably qualified to present our findings in a clear and concise manner.

With guidance from professional roofers we will be covering all the important topics you will encounter when embarking on any roof project, and with an active fact and price-checking policy you can be sure the facts and figures are up-to-date.

About the Calculators?

The online roof calculators featured throughout the website are fed with the latest figures and prices researched that week. They provide an interactive way to get average costs, measurements and material amounts depending on your chosen page.

You can expect to see:

  • Measurements: A convenient way to calculate measurements, angles or surface areas for a variety of roof projects.
  • Average prices: Researched and updated weekly, you'll find average prices for roofing in the UK and US.
  • Materials: Unsure about how many materials you will need to complete your roof? Calculate the correct amount with ease.

We aim to cover as many important categories as possible, however if there is something you feel is missing be sure to get in touch and make a suggestion.

Who are we?

I'm Tim (good to meet you) and i'm the owner and developer of the Roof Calculators website. Having been involved in both home improvement and web design (an unlikely mix I know!) for over 20 years I took my passion for both and turned it into what I believe is a truly useful roofing resource.

I couldn't however do it alone, so I have enlisted the help of Paul (a roofer with over 15 years experience!) and Jamie (an expert researcher). While i'm developing the website and writing the articles, Paul is fact-checking and advising on content topics whilst Jamie scours the internet for any changes in the latest prices.

Between the 3 of us we truly believe we can create a useful resource for anyone needing any roofing advice, measurements or even costs.

The roofing quotes

Where appropriate you wil notice a number of 'Free Roofing Quotes' buttons throughout our website. Though our primary aim is to provide information and accurate calculators, it has become apparent that often visitors don't know where to find reliable, trustworthy roofers.

For this reason we have added links to both UK and US networks of roofers that have been pre-screened and rated for both reliability and price. The quotes you receive (up to 4) through this service come from Bark and are completely obligation-free. You can simply use them to get an idea of prices before you commit to your project.