Gutter Slope/Fall Calculator

Proper drainage measurements for your guttering.

The correct fall on your guttering is vital for proper drainage. Too flat/shallow and the rainfall won't drain quickly enough. Too steep and the distance from the roofline may be too great.

By simply entering your gutter length into our calculator you can work out the optimum fall to ensure adequate water flow and drainage.

Calculate Gutter Slope

gutter slope fall calculator

How to Use

  1. Gutter Length: the total length of the guttering you plan to install or modify.
  2. Measurement Units: the unit of measurement (meters or feet) that matches how you measured your gutter.
  3. Desired Slope: preset options (1/4", 1/3", and 1/2" per 10 feet) and their centimeter equivalents.
  4. Calculate the Fall: Click the "Calculate" button to compute the total fall needed for the entire length of your guttering.

Calculator checked on By Jamie