Roof Tarp Size Calculator

Protect your roof with the correct size tarpaulin.

Protecting your roof with a tarpaulin is only effective if it's the right size.

Thankfully it's easy to calculate roof tarp sizes with our online calculator. Simply enter your roof area in square meters or feet and find out the best size cover to use.

Calculate Tarp Size

roof tarp size calculator

How to Use

  1. Roof Area: enter the area of the roof needing to be covered. If you don't know, use our roof area calculator first.
  2. Calculate the Size: Click the "Calculate" button to receive the tarp measurement at 150% of the roof area.

Calculator checked on By Jamie

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ideal size for a roof tarp?

The standard accepted measurement for a roof tarp is 1.5x the area of the roof itself. The additional overlap is usually enough to cover all irregularities whilst still providing enough overlap to secure the tarp at the edges.

Can the calculator be used on any roof?

Yes, the calculator will give you an accurate tarp size for any roof type. You may need to adjust your roof area calculations to ensure all areas of a complex roof are catered for, but once the area is known the tarp calculation is a simple one.

What is the best tarpaulin to use?

Look for a high quality tarp of a decent thickness which will be both durable and UV resistant. You may even be able to find one with eyelets to help tie it down.

How do you secure a roof tarp in place?

Firstly, consider your safety when working on any roofing project. If you can safely cover the roof, ensure there is sufficient overlap on all sides before you begin to tie it down. If the tarp has eyelets you can thread some thin rope through and tie it down to something solid. Otherwise it can be screwed or nailed in place using washers to ensure the tarp doesn't pull loose.

Note: if the wind gets underneath a tarp it can generate a strong amount of lift so ensure it is tied down securely.