US Roof Calculators

US-specific calculators for roofers and personal projects.

Whether it's measurements, cost estimations, or materials, the US roof calculators on cover all projects.

We source our data from websites and roofers across the US to ensure it is as accurate as possible. We then check the data and measurements weekly to ensure you are only seeing the most accurate results.

Below you can see the full list of US roofing calculators available on our site, organized by category.


Shed Roof Area

Work out the area of your flat, hipped or gable shed roof.

Pitched Roof Area

Straight gable and hipped roof surface area calculations.

Solar Panel Area

Calculate the number of solar panels that fit on your roof.


Roof Slope

Calculate your slope angle, ratio, percentage and length.

Roof Tarp

Protect your roof and calculate the perfect sized tarp.

Rainwater Collection

Measure the amount of rainfall your roof can harvest.

Rafter Length

Get accurate rafter dimensions for your new roof trusses.

Truss Count

Calculate the number of trusses your roof will need (plus costs).


Slate Tiles

Calculate slate tile amount, battens and holing gauge.


Gutter Slope/Fall

Calculate the correct gutter fall for perfect drainage.